Thursday, August 14, 2014

Team Superheavy Debuts at Pullman Tournament: DMB Brawl

Look out everybody! Team Superheavy is in the house and they brought the D!

I had the pleasure of attending my first ever 40k tournament in Pullman, WA this weekend with 4 friends from my FLGS in Spokane. Da Momma's Boyz Brawl is a fantastic event hosted by Pullman's local gaming club. For the small price of $40 per person, we were treated to five rounds of Warhammer 40k over two days in a comfortable and friendly environment, and for an additional $10; all the beer we could drink!

Our group started planning for the Brawl two months prior and we were excited when it was announced that Forgeworld and Lords of War were given the OK for this event. Another thing of note about the format; we were allowed to write and use a second list so that we could switch it up if we felt one list was better suited to handle a certain opponent or mission but both lists had to include a detachment of the same faction. So off we went, giant D's in hand to Pullman with our lists. For my part I chose to include Gerantius the new Knight Titan character in my list for a whopping 500 points.

The core of my list was as follows:

-Wolf Lord - Power Fist, Wolf Claw, Belt of Russ, Runic Armor, Saga of the Bear

-2x 10 Grey Hunters - 2x Plasma Gun, Plasma Pistol, Power Fist, Wolf Standard

Heavy Support:
-Land Raider - Extra Armor, Storm Bolter, Multi-Melta, Hunter-Killer Missile
-Land Raider Crusader - Extra Armor
-Vindicator - Siege Shield, Extra Armor

List 1 would include the above plus Gerantius. List 2 included the above plus a Knight Errant and a Dreadnought with Assault Cannon, Extra Armor, and a Wolftooth Necklace. As you can see, I was grasping at points anywhere I could get because I had been slacking on my painting.

My Army.

Andrew's Ultramarines with Warhound Titan

Chris' Imperial Guard. Its not the size of the D, its how you use it.

 Caleb's Chaos Daemons with "Supa-Chicken" Aetaos'Rau'Keres

I forgot to get a picture of Paul's Knight Titan list, but let me tell you, it was freakin sweet! 4 Knight Titans! Some epic stompage was had.

We drove down to Pullman the evening before the event and got settled in to our hotel rooms at the Cougar Land Motel, conveniently located a block away from the community center where the event was to take place. If you are acquainted at all with the local economy of any college town, you can imagine our night was anything but boring.

I should mention how we came up with our team shirts. We had planned initially to have shirts made for this event but plans fell through at the last minute and so we had resigned to going shirtless. That is until we got to Pullman and realized a member of our team had forgotten to bring all of his clothes. Walmart, ho! As we stocked up on last minute goodies and a wardrobe for our friend, we came across these stylin' "U Mad Bro?" shirts. We immediately knew, it was meant to be.

We made it to the community center on time the next morning and got set up. As soon as the event started, the keg was tapped so we grabbed our beer and got our pairings. I was paired up with Josh who was playing da Orks. Our mission was to capture a single center objective and we each had one objective that would deep strike in. Josh was a nice dude, my first tournament opponent ever, and also my first tournament loss ever. I took my List 1 against Ghul'Ruks Red Horde.

-Big Mek- KFF, Mega Armor
-Warboss- Mega Armor, Lucky Stick
-Pain Boy
-Mek Boy

-10 Nobs- 9 Big Choppa, Power Klaw, Battlewagon with Big Shoota and Ram

-2x 20? Shoota Boyz- Nob, Power Klaw, Boss Pole
-2x 10? Gretchen

-3x 15 Lootas

Here we are after deployment.

So, how did I lose you ask? A lot of dudes ran at me really fast and punched me...really hard. Thats about it. I did whiff some key rolls during my shooting that could potentially have turned the game more in my favor but I'm not going to blame the dice for my loss. Josh had some bad luck as well when his objective mis-happed and I got to place it. It was a good game and Josh was a great sport about whooping my ass. Thanks, Josh!

My next game was against Aaron, who was also from Spokane, and his Sisters of Battle with Legion of the Damned allies. I don't remember exactly what his list was but there was A LOT of melta. We were playing one of the new Maelstrom missions on a Vanguard Strike deployment.

Here we are sometime during turn 3 I think. Might have been 4. All I know is that my glass was on beer number 8.

I had really thoroughly thrashed his army at this point, all of the melta was dead, the Legion of the Damned was gone, all that was left was the Avenger Strike Fighter, the rhino thing with church organ missiles, and Celestine with a squad of jump pack sisters. Had this not been a Maelstrom mission I would have probably won, but as luck had it, Aaron pulled the cards he needed and outmanoeuvred me to pull a win that was very much weighted in his favor. 25-5 or something like that. Good job Aaron!

I'll end this post with my last game of the day. I faced off round 3 against Brian and his Orks. He brought trukk boyz and I think there was a battlewagon with some stuff and some orky helicopter things. We played a regular mission with one objective in the center and one in each player's right hand table quarter on a Dawn of War deployment, kill points were a secondary objective. This was by far my favorite match I had at the tournament, and not because it was also my only win, but because Brian was a great sport (considering all the high AV bullshit I brought) and we had a lot of awesome moments where random, wild, wacky stuff happened. I think the score ended up being 14-10. I'm pretty sure that Brian beat me on the objectives, but I had killed sooo many Ork units that I won on the secondaries. Thanks for a great game Brian!

Next time on Team Superheavy goes to DMB Brawl; I fight lots and lots of Space Marines! Stay tuned!

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